Jennifer Walker
Full stack web developer
looking for a position where I can use both sides of my brain -
the logical AND the creative!
Contact me at:

I started Codeup on March 5th, 2018. This is an 18 week intensive programming boot camp where I program individually, in pairs, and as a group for various projects.
We program every single day and I couldn't love it more!
Codeup is located in magnificent San Antonio, Texas
I want to make the world a more logical & beautiful place - one piece of software & one piece of artwork at a time
- Frontend Softare Engineer - Parlevel Systems
- Codeup Programming Boot Camp
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Certificate of Advanced Business Analytics
- Associate of Arts Degree

"Light" - Pastel.
All artwork featured here is mine. Use is strictly prohibited and requires full written consent.
Github Examples
I have created a wide range of websites & styles. Please feel free to peruse my work on Github.